

Tutorial 1Create Wallet

Tutorial 2Avatars and Smart Token

Tutorial 3Identifiable Token

Tutorial 1 - Metaverse Wallet

In this tutorial you will learn how to:


Metaverse is an unspent-transaction-output (UTXO) based blockchain with ETP being the native currency. It is very similar to the way Bitcoin works.

Every time you send a transaction, you collect UTXOs into a transaction input, which becomes a UTXO on the receivers end, and the change left over becomes a UTXO on your end.

Every time you receive a transaction, it’s a UTXO you can spend.

If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. Metaverse’s library manages UTXOs for you.

For more information on UTXOs, look here

To send and receive ETP you need a Metaverse wallet. In Metaverse, as with Bitcoin, you can generate deterministic wallets by using memnonic code words. This gives you multiple addresses you can send and recieve transactions from.

Hands-on Tutorial

Note: Explicit detailed instructions are given to work with Metaverse, but not always so with HTML elements. If you get stuck with coding HTML elements, you can always refer to w3schools.com

Start by setting up a directory to work in

cd MetaverseTutorials/tutorials/playground
touch tut1.html
touch tut1.js

Open tut1.html and use this HTML front-end as the base of your app.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Tutorial 1</title>

    <h3> Create new Wallet </h3>
    <button>Create New Wallet</button> <br>
    <input placeholder = "mnemonic"></input> <button>Import Wallet</button>

    <h3> Wallet Details</h3>
    <label>mnemonic</label> <br>
    <li> Addresses: </li>

    <h3> Check ETP Balance </h3>
    <select></select> <label>Balance: </label><br>
    <label>Total Balance</label>

    <h3> Send ETP </h3>
    <label>send From </label><select></select><br>
    <input placeholder ="sendTo"></input><br>
    <input placeholder = "amount"></input><br>


You should now be set up to use the Metaverse javascript libraries. We are using the async/await syntax. The await keyword can only be used in async functions so we will create async functions to perform all actions.

First let’s define some key variables

let wallet        //An object representing your Metaverse Wallet
let mnemonic      //A mnemonic code word used to generate your Wallet
let addresses     //An array containing addresses belonging to the wallet
let balances      //A JSON object containing Wallet balances

Start by creating a function to generate a new mnemonic

async function generateMnemonic(){
  mnemonic = await Metaverse.wallet.generateMnemonic()

And a function to create a wallet from the mnemonic, using the testnet keyword since we’re on the testnet

async function createWallet(){
  wallet  = await Metaverse.wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic,'testnet')
  addresses = await wallet.getAddresses()  // get list of addresses

Once you’ve created a wallet you must get some testnet ETP from the testnet faucet.

A function to get wallet balances. Note: this is the blockchain object you initialized before.

async function getETPBalance(){

  //Get the lastest Blockchain Length
  let height = await blockchain.height()  

  //Get a list of wallet transactions
  let txs = await blockchain.addresses.txs(addresses)

  //Get a list of unspent transaction outputs amongst your transactions   
  let utxo = await Metaverse.output.calculateUtxo(txs.transactions, addresses)    

  //Calculate your balances based on the utxos
  let balances = await blockchain.balance.all(utxo, addresses, height)

  let ETPBalance = balances.ETP.available
  return ETPBalance


And finally, a function to send ETP

async function sendETP(amount){

  //Define the amount of ETP you want to send
  //Measured in ETP units. There are 100 million units per ETP.
  let target = {
      ETP: 100000000 //100 million units = 1 ETP

  //Define recipient
  recipient_address = "MVbtobP4m44AKsx5PqBbtrBUdycNHxM3eQ";

  //Get latest blockchain length
  let height = await blockchain.height()
  //Get a list of wallet transactions
  let txs = await blockchain.addresses.txs(addresses)

  //Get all utxo
  let utxos = await Metaverse.output.calculateUtxo(txs.transactions, addresses)

  //Collect enough utxos to pay for the transfer
  let result = await Metaverse.output.findUtxo(utxos, target, height)

  //Build the transaction object
  let tx = await Metaverse.transaction_builder.send(result.utxo, recipient_address, undefined, target, result.utxo[0].address, result.change)

  //Sign the transaction with your wallet
  tx = await wallet.sign(tx)

  //Encode the transaction into bytecode
  tx = await tx.encode()

  //Broadcast the transaction to the metaverse network.
  tx = await blockchain.transaction.broadcast(tx.toString('hex'))

  console.log("tx hash: ")

  //log amount ETP sent to WHO

Run and Test

To test your nodejs code, Create a function called run() and make sure it gets executed in the script.

You can use this mnemonic if there are still funds left in it. Or generate your own and load some test ETP from the faucet mentioned above.

let mnemonic = "van juice oak general lyrics gravity hammer shield over eager crew volume survey join lonely purchase kitten artwork mass cousin process mixture add knife"

async function run(){
  await createWallet()

  let balance = await getETPBalance()
  console.log("Wallet balance: " + balance + " ETP")

  await sendETP()

Now in your terminal run

node tut1.js

You should see an ETP balance, and a transaction hash in your terminal. You can take the transaction hash and view the transaction in the Metaverse Testnet Blockchain Explorer.

Connect to Your DApp

To interact with metaversejs in your web app, you need to reference metaversejs in your HTML.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/metaverse.min.js"></script>

Also reference your tut1.js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="tut1.js"></script>

Next serve the webpage with

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4444

or however you prefer.

Verify that you have connected Metaverse to the web app by opening the browser console and typing “Metaverse”. You should see the Metaverse object come up.

Now connect elements to the js functions and you’re done!

What’s Next?

Continue with the next tutorial and learn how to issue and transfer Metaverse Smart Token (MST)